5th day, 24,4 km, from Hiieveski to Hirvelaane

It does not rain in the morning. It's good. I have plan B: to have breakfast in Ardu and to continue from there to Pala and meet the official trail again in Paunaste.
Two grus grus sing duet on a meadow near Ardu. Breakfast is ok and the road to Paunaste is a gravel one over wavy landscape with some lone houses. It gets warm and sun starts to cut through the clouds. I peel off one layer of clothes after another. Yellow and white butterflies follow me, as do gadflies. Picnic on a pile of wood while drying some wet clothes. The road goes especially fast, my feet hurt less than yesterday and nice weather adds motivation.
There’s no sign at Hirvelaane camping site which is a bit further away from the road. Luckily a young man and woman who have come to pick mushrooms point me to the right direction. The man hacks some fire wood for me and we have a nice chat. The camping ground is lovely, new, clean and peaceful, with only grasshoppers to make noise. The only negative side is the absence of natural water.
Soon my sister arrives with supplies (and it rhymes).
4th day, 30,97 km, from Mägede to Hiieveski
6th day, 18,5 km, from Hirvelaane to Loosalu

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