
The morning is promising.
In the sky all colors, sun shines somewhere.
Maarjo and Kadi arrive. Kadi stays to treat her feet, Maarjo and I drive to the other side of the mountain to our little climate march. From there is it shorter distance to the top. On the road is a sign that it’s impassable but this has never bothered tourists before. The top is not visible because it is inside a cloud. We stick our heads into cloud as well and visibility reduces to a few dozen meters. The mountain is rocky, rocks under our feet are well visible.
The mountain is called Ok that means yoke. Until 2014 the mountain carried a glacier. The smallest in Iceland but still. 2014 the glacier was officially pronounced dead because there was not enough snow anymore that it would move under its weight. This is the characteristic of a glacier. On 18th of August this year a plaque was placed on the mountain with text written by one of the most well-known writers in Iceland Andri Snær Magnason and that says: „A letter to the future. Ok is the first glacier to lose its status as a glacier. In the next 200 years, all our glaciers are expected to follow the same path. This monument is to acknowledge that we know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it. August 2019, 415ppm CO2.” 
When we are on the highest point of the mountain according to GPS are there neither the promised views nor the memorial although we circle hopefully around every bigger boulder. There are some small patches of snow and strong wind. No trace of a glacier. Snow tastes fresh, must be from this year.
Wind that supportively pushed us up blows against us when we go down. It also starts to rain so we eat waffles and jam in the car. Wind shakes the car, sun shines everywhere but here. The bashful mountain has found a new cover.
Here are pictures „before and after“ and here the trailer of Ok movie.
In the evening there’s again soup and more waffles and after that lively discussion with a Dutch couple who has moved in.
from Akranes to Húsafell
Ok again

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