from Flodigarry to Rubha Hunish

Decent rain in the morning motivates us to book a room in Portree for tonight instead of staying in Rubha Hunish lookout as we originally planned.
After our ordinary breakfast and weather forecast analysis we proceed to the posh hotel for a second coffee, getting soaked in the process. There are clean and dry people, still having breakfast. They have not even got wet yet.
The trail continues along the shore. Wind still blows from the left. There are some sheep and some lava sculptures.
The Rubha Hunish lookout would be good enough for sleeping if need be. We have eliminated the need so we just make coffee and leave the hut for other hikers who start to trickle in.
Sun comes out immediately when we reach Shulista phone box. We pose with the phone and without. A mother and son try to catch two sheep. These escape and wander off towards Duntulm.
The bus comes exactly at the time prescribed in the time table. The Trotternish ridge is still hidden in the clouds and by the time we reach Portree it's again nice and foggy. One can go inside and start drinking beer with a calm heart.

All in all we walked 130 km and skipped 14 km which we rode by bus. Skye Trail has no defined route anyway so ours came out like this. One day out of six had no rain. This one day just had some drizzle. Only one evening we had some midges at the campsite, nothing too bad. There were even less other hikers. The landscape is stunning, even in the rain.
from Portree to Flodigarry
life in Waternish

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