Sandwick and rain

Our last day on Unst.
We spend it walking to Framgord that is an abandoned village from the viking times. The bay of Sandwick just before it has a wide sandy beach and some colorful seashells. Then it starts to rain and we retreat to the coffee shop. Final Checkout it’s called. There we find out that they use paper cups because it takes too much time to wash up. Of course, there are four tables at the cafè. We’re too busy to be sustainable. And it is just doing some dishes which is a tiny thing considering our situation. We get real cups though.
Rain stops and I head back to Keen of Hamar to take more pictures of the miniature plants. Find an empty beer can under a rock and a bench from the top of the mountain. Nice view to a small island. When I’m back down it starts to rain again and in no time my trousers are completely wet.
chickweed and bumblebees
going to Foula

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