Ruhnu island

Our island vacation starts on 2nd of September.
The sea is calm and sunny.
Humid and warm air greets us on Ruhnu. Being in the middle of the sea, Ruhnu has the seasons a bit shifted. Summer starts later and also ends later than in mainland Estonia. That's why it's good to visit in September.

September 3rd
An excursion to the village to check out the churches. There are two, standing side-by-side. The older one was built in 17th century, being the oldest wooden structure in the Baltic States. Originally it was meant to be demolished after the new church is ready but it was left standing for some reason. Of course it is now the more interesting one.
Next a beach tour. We start at Överkirke, then Norrkeld and finally Kuunsi.
There's a surprising amount of forest on the northern side of the island. And no road noise anywhere, only the sea humming.

September 4th
The day starts with a magnificent sunrise at Överkirke beach. Sky and water are a mess of pinks and lilacs and yellow, the cormorants wake up en masse, wavy patterns on the sand. I spend about two hours admiring the changing light and breathing in the warm air, watching the birds.
After breakfast we try to find the tar kilns at Välgi (no luck), go swimming at Limo beach and visit the old guard station.

September 5th
An expedition to find Pärsi old harbor site. We fail to find it but instead get a change of bush walking and find some small beaches on the other side of the island.
In the evening I go to take a look at Holma peninsula that just looks fun on the map. There are a bunch of seals, about 20 of them.

September 6th
The sun rises when the ferry leaves the port. Everyone on the ferry go to sleep.
cycling around Võrtsjärv

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