rest day, 0 km, Tõramaa

I sleep until 9 o'clock instead of the usual wake up at 6. Lovely. Nice to sleep in a room for a change. Swallows dart behind the window.
There’s wifi in the visitors’ center. No mobile network. I boil water for porridge and coffee and chat with the staff.
There’s slight cloud but weather is hot. I sit outside in the shade, read a book, look at the swallows, eat, read, look at swallows. And so all day. Wind is soft. A pair of cranes lands on the roof of the visitors’ center. Later they join the cows behind the house on the meadow. Cows make noise by chewing.
10th day, 24,2 km, from Hüpassaare to Kõrtsi-Tõramaa
11th day, 35,9 km, from Tõramaa to Kopra hut

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