second research day

For start I call to contacts that were unreachable yesterday. Today they both answer and are very kind.
I meet Sean who works in a modern building with a glass wall. Unlike the Inya Institute. We go for lunch and I get some interesting materials.
A taxi back to hotel. Taxi drivers form a committee on the street corner, everybody holds on to the hotel business card, explain and wave hands. The most intelligent looking guy mentiones Italy and that means he knows where to go. The hotel is next door to Italian embassy. Unfortunately he’s not a taxi driver but just a passing wise man. Locals have a habit of talking everything over seven times, then forgetting half of it and mixing up the other half. Short working memory.
We meet with Thiri in front of the fire station. Instead of visiting the tomb of the last ruler of India we go to her sister’s house where we eat and wait for a taxi. I’m not hungry but of course have to eat. Because I cannot go eating alone in the evening. This statement remains a bit unclear for me. I talk for the first time with someone who sincerely believes in government propaganda. That the government is not trustworthy by her own assessment is not conflicting information for her. Because, well, the government is very poor. In a country that is loaded with natural resources. I don’t say anything, make mental notes. She has her own methodology for finding contacts for my research. I’m not so sure but then again, it hardly hurts anybody. Hopefully she’s not going to take care of me the whole time now.
It gets dark and starts to rain with a bang. When the taxi gets there then the streets are already flooded. The sewers are full of plastic. Luckily I live on the fourth floor. In the hotel it sounds as if someone was beating giant pot lids together. Electricity and internet leave in turn.
My phone has called many Burmese guys while being in the bag so I set a more secure screen lock.
first research day

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