tropics and rain

The wind has spent the night looking for us and finally found us in the morning.
It tries to push another side of the tent on our heads but with no great success. Bluish skies above the sea so we continue along the shore. Some red rocks, some caves, some waterfalls. The elements had nothing special in mind while creating all this.
A short stop at Uyea. It’s an island that is connected to the mainland with a sand strip. It is possible to cross when tide is low. Tide is going out, water is light green. We spend some time on the sand strip until rain turns all colors gray and forces us back up the shore.
Looking at the many rain clouds in all directions we decide to take a look inland and walk along a track to North Roe. Nothing better there though.
We abandon the plan that Kalle stays somewhere with the tent and I walk to Fethaland and back. No nice campsite with wind shelter in sight and rain hides all the views.
In Collafirth pier there are supposed to be some facilities so we continue on the road to Collafirth. As far as we know there’s also a spot a bit up the mountain where all sheep shit has recently been removed.
In the port there’s a welcome sign and just about one place to put a tent with some kind of hope to secure it with pegs. 10 pounds have to be paid to Joan who lives in the house above the pier. Shower and washing machine cost extra.
We close ourselves in the tent and spend rest of the day eating and reading.
22 km of walking done today.
walking on clouds
more wind

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